R ‎‎W

aaron rogers is the other team. but he fell down go boom. 

wish i was rich

If you cant control your kid, you stay the fuck home, or get a sitter.

cuz tesla hate

Ok name names. Who the f is paying that for a cog? 

But overland people tend to be massive douches

I hope your opening anecdote is a joke.

Speed racer requires lsd


He has rich person courage.

Are you rich?

If you are coming to Chicago you are required to quarantine for 2 weeks. Wisconsin is a red I mean plague state.

If you are coming to Chicago you are required to quarantine for 2 weeks. Wisconsin is a red I mean plague state.

Who did he vote for?

It’s the reason for brexit. The uk wants to keep its tax havens.


Ok nazi

I hope you die. Serious.

Nothing was destroyed. Some cops went out and looted.

Ok nazi

Fuck your ads