R ‎‎W

How does that compare to India?

Simpsons is made by liberals you twat.

Naw, that guy is just attention whoring.

I wish we had more ryan as an exec episodes.

Let me just say shabby blue.

Helping or hurting? Hurting.


my m235 xdrive does it in 4.3 apparently?

lol where the fuck was this. france? name names or fuck off.

even the lets plays are intimidating.

I want her to die.

she is a porker. and has a stupid name.

i live in chicago jackass. right downtown. views of the park and lake.

Do they have a similar rule for porn?

Needs must.

Put it in the water. Or sterilize after the first kid.

Put a damn egg beater up her vag and have at it.

Whores gonna whore.

Fuck small towns. They need to be killed.