R ‎‎W

Wow she really whitened up since then.

Aren’t a lot of these schools pretty scammy?

Man you must have to discriminate pretty hard to manage that.

Kill them

you have zero public transit, and shit politics. no chance. no chance for anywhere in the south

just drink the beer you cunt

Pegg is a hack so whatevs

Fuck the south.

Fuck nyc. Any build worth a damn is in the middle of the country.

The goalie grabbed the stick

I hope she dies irl

Forced to do cocaine?

Tax cheats huh

Kim sounds like a douche

So he came out, and she’s fucking the handyman?

wtf are those eyebrows?

so wait for the 3rd gen then

You mean gay right?

bull fucking shit. tribalist black culture is ALL ABOUT the hardass bro.

No, it’s for cam whores.