R ‎‎W

japan makes steel?

yeah i can drive over homeless people too.

just put it on the rack, with any pan in the rack below.

ill take chinese knockoff for $10

ill take chinese knockoff for $10

it helps not to look like that actress

who even has such complicated taxes?

you mean motorala

because i vas going vay too fast.

hard pass on both?

hell, try videogames.

yeah, shit, the girl cleans that orally every day right?

yeah we did that in swim team.

Why are you pissing all over your hands?

Condoms and dildos for me.

Such a dried up cunt she is.

No he doesn’t

Must be sick of having to be that in shape at his age.

Vote for doers, not talkers.

Too bad the art style is so offensive.