R ‎‎W

its a great twitter thread though.


american isnt a kind of coffee.

nice clickbait headline there though.

neither are still relevent

well yeah, she doesnt look like Renée Zellweger anymore 

yeah, try this in downtown chicago. the taxis will just fuck right over the things.

i dont like child rape.

redneck mexicans and black people. what a great combo.

in chicago the double long buses cut you off.

yes, they are subsidized to do that. ands its mostly done by large corps, not your independent farmer fantasy. robots are coming for those jobs anyway.

Cities make money. Rural areas take it.

just like in illinois, the city IS the state. big cities really should have have national representation.

damn you

jez bans EVERYONE.

biology is hard for you huh?

see half the politicians in the country.