R ‎‎W

clearly you have never been to china.

i unplug my computer and entertainment system if im out more than a few days.

Yeah thats just raw water, not beer.

bobs burgers. where the only good family member is bob.

so close...

Yeah ive been to china. Rural china. You manage.

Yeah, they are going to take all the dick, and do all the drugs.

why is no neck?

next time throw a shoe.

privatization of schools. especially those pesky public universities.

yeah a full harry potter getup with wand and robes and hat and scarf its going to cost you north of $500

inject all politicians with massive doses.

That is some receding hairline up there for a high schooler.

Less of the shouty children, and the one sad pathetic child. And the annoying dingbat wife.

old boomers drive scions and souls...

Oh, are they finally done with the rover engine that was based off a Buick engine?

Build things is hard. Much easier to write smashy smashy.

go ruin it. thats what must be done.