R ‎‎W

That is some receding hairline up there for a high schooler.

Less of the shouty children, and the one sad pathetic child. And the annoying dingbat wife.

old boomers drive scions and souls...

Oh, are they finally done with the rover engine that was based off a Buick engine?

Build things is hard. Much easier to write smashy smashy.

go ruin it. thats what must be done.

They check your bank account and have their layer hand you the prenup.

Until the wife buys a new one. I aint eating that shit.

yeah the people who buy these things have cigar boats and shit.

ide take a macan and fuck the boat.

Interesting version of “fuck you” money.

Generic white guy is generic.

Spend the money to move to a proper city where you don’t need a car.

Nail him with the obvious stat rape charges, and send him back to the savannah.

whatever you need to tell yourself. if she is what the right is basing their campaigning on, you are going down hard.

privatization of schools is a right wing objective. privatization of all govt functions is. who gives a fuck about clinton. is that the last card you fucks have?

go look at who is heading up the education department. go ahead.

thats a lie you fuck. charter schools are a right wing thing. very right wing.