R ‎‎W

people talk to their pets like this. why cant they talk to their babies like this?

educated people vote left

Wait for vr mode.

Lol are they going to play that game again?

No, garbage needs to be pointed out, and those who like it shamed and ridiculed.

fuck your job

you can fuck right off

yeah they cheat.

it doesnt make money. only the star schools make money off it, everyone else pays for them to.

this. fuck these sports leeches. they can fuck right off

ima go with cunt whore. that work for everyone?

god, i hate when i wakeup, and am like “shit, i member nothing”

is that a reference?

Now playing

(The Trump Organization’s top attorney told Reuters, “No one at the Trump Organization, including the Trump family, has any recollection of ever meeting or speaking with this individual.”)

baron is her kid. with trump.

dont piss off a judge, for fucks sake.