R ‎‎W

Aren’t they a tax evasion country?

Do you feel offended when I fill your wives mouth with hot cum?

I played ti89 games like drug wars and the galaga copy all the time.

So sue them in civil court. Target retirement accounts, trust funds, investments, and properties. Also, cancel their passports.

So you had a rich daddy or what?

Most African counties block us movies because infertility complex plus islam

Looks at black percentage of the country.

Wait what?

Lol Indians are super racist. Hell they still roll a class system too.

Have you watched the Martian? So pandering.

Lol black nerds are a small demographic. Most be lining up for whatever trash Tyler perry puts out next.


Lol they ain’t black you fool. One is flicking euro mutt, the other is a Pacific Islander. They more white than black.

I agree, shame on women for not being turned on by balls.

And women here dumped all the blame on him, as if he disrobed her, ie raped her. Tit for tat, literally.

Kill your racist uncles. Serious. Little rat poison in their cheap whiskey, problem solved.

No mainland Chinese allowed i assume.

dont go to atlanta. they should be shamed, not encouraged.

It is.

Still a millionaire after today?