
A for effort, but I think you face an uphill battle defending Simmons ‘round these parts. I’ve never understood it: Deadspin and Simmons offer different perspectives on sports and entertainment. Simmons did some of it first, Deadspin does some of it - a lot of it - better (though the latter is clearly just a matter of

When a politician “panders” to his/her “base” it is rightfully seen as cheesy, calculated and at times, unethical.

Leitch himself said that Deadspin wouldn’t exist without Simmons

Bill Simmons is good. He has earned a reputation as someone who can recognize and empower talent. He has a good sense of where the market for sports media is, to his credit. People give him some shit for the writing that he actually does himself, but I thought it was good for a long time.. until maybe just a few years

It must be quite embarrassing to have your livelihood threatened by a racist buffoon ex-wrestler - who STILL has the moral high ground here.

Could you guys be any more butthurt by one man’s success? Good God, it's so palpable I'm embarrassed for the author. Sorry people like you less than they like some other guy. It happens.