
He was consistently 8-15 points ahead of Trump in matchup polls while Clinton was often within the Margin of error. And even though Bernie had very high approval ratings and was/is very popular among Independents AND Republicans, for some reason MSM/Hillbots insisted over and over again that Hillary is more electable

Its just meant as a place for Clinton supporters to mentally masturbate without fear of having someone disturb their cult-like admiration of their Dear Leader. Basically they will all talk about how great Hillary is and how Sexist and Russian else everyone is. They are just asking to be trolled though.

The crime bill also included the violence against women act. If he voted against the crime bill you guys would be saying he doesn’t want to protect women. But the difference between Bernie and Hillary is that she was an outspoken supporter of the crime reform bill while Bernie was openly against that part of the

Its not about uniting or doing something productive for them. Its about cult of personality and narcissism. If they want their insular platform that will have no more than 14 members I say let them have it. Hopefully they stay away from the rest of the internet.