Every mollecule of residual cocaine in my body ever kicked in just looking at the pictures.
Every mollecule of residual cocaine in my body ever kicked in just looking at the pictures.
I didn't see much wrong in the first two block quotes. Some people throw themselves at celebrities. No matter how minor. He's right to be wary of them.
I had no idea who they are. I had to Google them because I almost DIED from all the laughing. "Now I'm just adding clown white under here because all women have HUGE bars underneath their eyes, and you could wear this out in the sun, no one would ever suspect".
Hmmm...I am not sure I am getting the outrage.
Speaking about the events of that night, Ms. Devi says she doesn't understand how a woman could be out for the evening with a man who wasn't her husband.
In all fairness, Gregory's Girl is a pretty sweet movie.
I'm sorry but the article is wrong on so many levels it's actually disgusting (and rather anti-ovary owners for that matter).
Please don't ever use a sentence again where you say Camille Paglia is right. For the sake of the children. Or something.
I love pigeons so this makes me super sad.
Wouldn't it be cool if we lived in a world where people took care of a their fellow humans in compromised states, rather than taking photos of them to post online?
— so maybe we adults could teach kids that instead of grabbing their cameras when they see another person in a shitty situations, they can instead step in and help them.
Its fascinating how entrenched wisps of antisemitism are within our culture and it always seems surprising when it surfaces in places you least expect, like the writings of somebody like Alice Walker.
Nope. First thing I noticed too...
I looked at the picture of Tracy Morgan's adorable baby, and immediately imagined her saying 'I once saw a baby give another baby a tattoo! They were very drunk!' in a Tracy Jordan voice.
I don't care what the haters say, I just love Zooey to pieces. I think she is neato frito!
Didn't many Indian people also come out an defend Selena's use of the bindi, including Priyanka Chopra, and Indian writers, and even Indian commenters here? I specifically recall the main 'controversy' being propelled by one person, Rajan Zed, who is a very controversial person himself, and then white bloggers…
Speaking of the comeback, I have a message to Lisa from my girl VC: "Giver her another take! Giver her another take!"
I completely agree. I would NEVER wish depression on my greatest enemy and I think it's super fucking disgusting when people say things like, "Just get over it!" and "That's right, take another pill and stop feeling feelings". I call it the Great Black Dog and I have lived with and managed (note that I do not say…
I don't think you know what depression is. It's not just feeling sad or apathetic. They're not talking about some sort of lifestyle pill.
Seriously if you think this make anyone the 'worst human being alive' I'd highly suggest you rethink your priorities. And possibly pull your head out of your ass and get to know the real world.