
Watching series for the first time and that part just killed me. Fantastic joke. I love this whole show from the over bearing mother (Delicious cuddle monster stuff makes me smile everytime) to stupid Barry, to the weird coach. Love creepy Dave Kim. This series is the funniest show on TV. Been marathoning it the past

Simpsons did it first..

If Bill committed suicide before they paid the mental hospital, does that mean there is no charge? He wasn't 'cured' and he died. Seems like the kind of thing you refuse to pay a bill for.

One thing that got me was the where are they now with the side by side shots of actor and real person. Damn good casting. So many looked like clones it was scary.

DC is so busy playing catch up to Marvel they fail to see what Marvel does to make their films work. Marvel did 5 solo films leading up to them joining forces. Two of the Avengers had minor roles in other films. It was slowly set up. DC continues Superman but quickly adds Batman and WW in. Not to mention the "Look the

Loved when the juror said how everyone know black people love Ross over Target it cuts to Johnnie who mouths "That's true.." And gives a nod then motions his head towards Clark.