
I’m another dyspraxic chiming in. I’m also pretty happy with the representation so far. I’m ok with is mostly manifesting as something that Ryan refers to and doesn’t visibly affect him too much. The only signs that I’m dyspraxic are the bruises on my legs from bumping into things and I still haven’t learned how to

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It’s no horse slide, but it’s pretty good...

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Only the finest cinematic entertainment for discerning viewers, courtesy of the place which gave us such jewels as Singham.

Also, I love that the Doctor has a doctorate in LEGO. She’s given me something to aspire to, especially since all I have currently is a duploma.

The problem with Barry and Iris is how they talk about how each other are great, but we rarely witness actions that support these opinions. That one....day...when she was a reporter, he was telling her what a great reporter she was, even though she had zero experience and even though she only got the job because the

Personally, I was very glad to see the show is letting Nora still be pissed about this. Having both her parents trying to borderline gaslight her into thinking there must be some great hidden reason involving rainbows and puppies to such a violation was sickening, and her not buying it for a second is perhaps her

- That opening scene was wonderful. I love both Ray and Sara whiffing on their attempts at being cool.

- Mick/Constantine is going to be a hilarious pairing this season.

- I do like how John is starting out as a true outsider who does things his own way, since unlike the other new additions each season, he’s experienced

I think we have a different understanding of the word “mercy.” I certainly hope that if I am ever in a position to want such a death that it will not be delivered by my worst enemy bursting into my hospital room, shooting me in the gut, and leaving in triumph while I die in agony.

They can produce comics as a loss leading IP farm for 6,000 years off the profits from one of the Marvel movies.

Perlmutter needs to go too.

No, I got it, it’s just a terrible metaphor. First of all, writing and surgery are not equivalent to each other — nobody lives are on the line if you write a bad story. Second, you make “bad tweets” to be the equivalent of “dirty, oily hands.” But that doesn’t make any sense at all, since “bad tweets” don’t impact his

A call for civility as the PA GOP candidate threatens Tom Wolf with a golf cleat stomping. I dunno, man.

I swear I remember reading something more in-depth about the Sad Puppies back when that all had just happened, I think written by a sci-fi author and linked-to by Peter Watts, but the closest I can find is https://www.rifters.com/crawl/?p=5837, which does get into some more details in the comments but isn’t and doesn’t

1 of the 3 assclowns privately sort-of running the VA? Yeah, Ike Perlmutter.

Would it be possible for io9 and/or Gizmodo Special Projects Desk to do a well-researched in-depth report on the prevelence of these incidents in the science fiction communities (both journalistic and creative), and why they are so pernicious, how they have evolved, and how we can expect things to evolve going forward?

The original one was like that too - when we finally saw the article (when Barry broke into the vault after they figured out Wells was evil), it dropped the first hint about Hawkgirl.

Tons of comics references in this episode. If you still have it recorded pause and read the second future newspaper. Highlights include a mention of Batwoman, Governor Singh, Police Chief Joe West and a quote by the “Psycho-Pirate” about the Crisis -- “Worlds lived, worlds died. Nothing will ever be the same.”

This is actually less disturbing than what happens to actual insects: a lot of cells dedifferentiate into stem cells, migrate, and redifferentiate again — but the highly-specialized stuff, including nearly all the neural tissue, commits apoptosis (cellular suicide) and the debris is eaten by (the insect equivalent of)

Looks like 2259 is the year me and Rowan disagree on a lot.
For example, the Drazi in Geometry of Shadows. It's almost worth it for "Rules predate interstellar contact. Rules change (beat) caught up in commitee" alone. And, even if it is obvious and unsubtle ("You do same, fight for flag, yes?"), its handling of the

Sinclair and Sheridan go together like Lucy and Ethel.