
“it still doesn’t all totally make sense or feel completely satisfying”

The thunder is louder now... and Paz Vizsla is waiting.

I’ve tried to make myself go back and watch the Holiday Special, but the cringe-threat is just too much. Plus I remember being little, and actually becoming angry at the show for VERY OBVIOUSLY teasing Han Solo’s appearance and only bringing him in for like 30 seconds near the end. I was old enough to know when I was

Project Necromancer’s obvious endgame is Palpatine, but what’s most likely as the first product from it is Snoke. Remember in Rise of Skywalker how many proto-Snokes were marinating in the opening scenes when Kylo Ren is on his evil quest? This is probably Filoni’s way of trying to solve a bit of J.J. Abrams’ puzzle

One had Rick Berman’s full attention/hands in the production/story.

I really liked this episode. I like the whole show but this one really started tying it all together and with sprinkling of some Daredevil it was perfect. The show has always been about Jen wanting to stick to her normal life as a lawyer but being first unable to avoid her She-Hulk alter-ego and then slowly starting

she’s stopped by some conveniently quick SWAT team guys

The goons were using crossbows as a thematic tie to poison dart frogs.

It seems like they wanted us to think the picture Malick died holding was Mack’s parents in captivity. But I don’t think so. Why would that mean anything to Malick? I’m not sure Yo-Yo would recognize them straight away and it would mean nothing to future boy. Maybe it had a big label on it... “Mack’s parents, we’ve

I was rewatching the episode and Sousa advocating for more decisive action no matter how it changes the timeline. Of course it’s easy for him as for him it’s changing the future from bad one with Hydra infiltrating SHIELD to something better. He’s in the same headspace as Team was in the Broken Earth Future.

Sousa: “I wish I could’ve said some good-byes.”

That extended opening credits, complete with ’70s TV voiceover introductions for each actor, was delightful.

I was sure Malick was going to reveal they had FitzSimmons, and that Jemma is either a Chronicom or a LMD. But what if they did kill Mac’s parents? Paradox? Mac fading ala BTTF?

Think I’ll take Daisy’s advice to not think too hard about it so my head doesn’t explode. ;)

These episodes continue to get better each

And they can fix Sousa’s leg now. Right?

People hate on the Moffat era, but I think of Vastra, Jenny, Strax and Missy (along with River and Nardol) and how much *fucking fun* those characters are and I’m bummed they’re being wiped away and why I’m not really watching the show rn.

You know what bugs me about that whole casino plot? The heroes never pick up the dice. You have characters come to a space casino and all they do is go to jail for a parking violation. If I wanted that, I’d watch the video tapes of my last honeymoon.

I expected it to talk in Christopher Plummer’s voice

What an incredible train wreck this comment section turned out to be.  Did this get crossposted to Kotaku or Splinter or something?