
At cosmological scales (> ~ 30 Mpc) the universe is essentially homogeneous and isotropic; the lumpiness in the luminous matter is basically noise and we’re still early in the Dark Energy dominated era. The lumpiness will become ever less significant a(t) \propto \exp(Ht) with increasing t until the late epochs.


I think the solution to some of those problems is a shockingly large amount of weed. One can compare her recorded live acts where she talks about exactly how much she has smoked, and I think she’s most entertaining when she is maximally high. So if we have her Doctor smoking a lot, I think the production would go OK,

So close, but:

All this trouble over a conversion, especially since one term is in units that neither the (non-American) researchers nor the Romans would have any familiarity with.

Indeed, follow the link in the gizmodo article in the paragraph starting, “As reported in The Local” and read the second paragraph (the first non-bold

Was there a clear view and a planned arc in the OT that made it through to the end?

The area of the (apparent) horizon of a black hole is almost totally determined by the black hole’s mass. If the BH has nonzero angular momentum (it is hard to imagine this is not the case for an astrophysical object) then there are multiple radiuses thanks to axisymmetry rather than spherical symmetry, so horizon

Sure, but one nagging question has been: why are there galaxies that have a central supermassive black hole (~ tens of billions of solar masses) while other galaxies have a much smaller central black hole (~ millions of solar masses). Our galaxy is of the latter type, so discovering many many smaller black holes in

I’ve always felt scientists were severely underestimating the total mass of galaxies

There are pelnty of high-mass non-compact objects; a typical stellar black hole has just a bit less mass than a large star. There are lots and lots of large stars that are luminous objects in our sky.

The important feature is compactness. Any mass, small or large, that is squashed together into a sufficiently small

Now that you mention it, the contrast with Jes Macallan’s Ava-fainting scene is pretty stark.

I think Gideon loves craziness as much as the audience. We already know she ships couples, spies on people, manipulates characters and events, and so on. I wonder if we’ll ever get the story of how Gideon went from Barry to the Time Masters to Eobard.

“This is a bad idea, but I know that Mister Rory has made some

If the cost of the infinitely improved writing in the second and third season (and double-infinitely better villains, although I am still missing Malcolm Merlyn) is less SFX and almost no giant melees, then I am totally fine with it.

Worse than the Hawks? Easy. Vandal Savage, season 1. The least scary villain ever. Even Hawkbro grasped his role better (it was in large part a stupidly written character).

You just know that it will have to involve the Birthers.

The chemistry Neal McDonough has with the other actors on LoT is amazing.

“quantized” (although here I guess you probably meant that lengths are quantized, or alternatively that spacetime is discrete rather than continuous) “divided” “infinitesimal” “collection”

Ugh, sorry, I really can’t understand what idea you are trying to get across here. Do you have a question?

Uncles too.

You can photochop in a bit of Tron too, now.

“The system” is just a region of spacetime; the stress-energy is either in that region or not. If it’s not, and has no prospect of returning before I+, it’s perfectly reasonable to say it’s “lost”, isn’t it?

Photons had better be massless whatever they’re doing or gauge theory falls apart at low energies, and we have a