
Thanks. I’ll delve into the previous giz asks. (Still mourning io9 though).

I spent most of the episode being so distracted by the question of what Zathras from Babylon 5 was doing there that it completely prevented me from even remembering Simm was in the episode, much less recognizing him.

Was it beautifully used? It was beautifully realised (and is not obviously unphysical, either), but in terms of the episode’s plot it is so far just a device to separate Bill from the rest of the party for a subjectively long period of time. And the time delay was not really needed: it just provided Simm-Master to

If the massive compact object sources the Schwarzschild metric, so it’s likely not as easy as t_a = t_b \sqrt{1 - r_s/r} where r_s is the Schwarzschild radius and t_a is the proper time between events for the observer at the lower gravitational potential and t_b is the proper time between events for the observer at

That’s what they did at the end of Patrick Troughton’s tenure. New Doctor, lost everyone and everything (even the ability to travel in the TARDIS), new production staff...

Far from shit, it could be really interesting. For example, if Capaldi is regenerating into a cgi de-aged Michael Jayston, we’d get an answer to the

Links to the working scientists’ own research pages (which presumably all have links to their publications and preprints) would also be a good practice for future articles of this type.

I hope that there will be future articles of this type, because this is decent science journalism.

Good job, Sophie Weiner — practice

I would watch the hell out of Matt Lucas as The Doctor. Note: not *Nardole* as the Doctor.

I can’t really agree about Meglos backstory being wholly missing.

Meglos related some key bits of his planet’s history and his part in it (the Zolfa-Thurans basically warred themselves into extinction in order to prevent the weapon from being used by Meglos — shades of “The Hand of Fear” in some ways — with one result

I think that the whole point about Josiah Smith was that he totally didn’t understand anything he was talking about, so his plan to replace Victoria was meant to be considered ridiculous in-universe. However, Light’s plan to wipe out everything because he was annoyed about having to update his catalogue was a pretty

That’s quite a claim given the events in Logopolis...

Doctor Who is not and has never been hard science fiction.

The idea that any agent in any lab could kill all life on Earth in short order is ludicrous; what about the life sequestered away in isolated pockets (e.g. underground caves, or in liquid volumes underneath various icecaps). Are organisms around black smokers

The first couple of references here might be interesting to you.

The Doctor did just a short while earlier convince the local heads of the militaries to promise not to fight each other even if ordered to by their superiors. Having primed them to ignore their own presidents, they simply went one step further than the Doctor intended and they ignored him as yet another president.

That would be one hell of a way to introduce a heavily adapted Cyborg into the CW universe

> Thawne never has a problem with Wraiths

He sure did in Legends of Tomorrow. But explicitly only when he uses his speed.

Season one probably predated the idea of the wraiths, though, although he didn’t spend that much time using his speed.

> I hope they at least give him a good month of being The Flash before Barry’s

Really? You’d have been happy with “all it takes is a kind word or two, a hug, and some gesture and you’re forgiven for murder (among other things) and you’re so moved that you commit big damn heroic sacrifice at the end?”[1] Noooooo. Let’s leave that to artificial intelligences (and android duplicates) in Star

I totally agree.

 HR was super-annoying and half of that is that is exactly what he was meant to be, but I enjoyed the hell out of Cavanagh’s acting nevertheless, especially in all the little things he did in the background (especially with Carlos Valdes).

HR’s big damn heroic sacrifice redeemed a lot of the

The Flash will be in an awful lot of trouble when they turn on their energy domes !

Evil Steve Jobs !