... you didnt “play kojima games” if you only played mgs1 and 2. You barely know what the guy does with only those examples tbh.
... you didnt “play kojima games” if you only played mgs1 and 2. You barely know what the guy does with only those examples tbh.
I bought a set of 4 Dota2 figures, knowing the odds were high they were fake. But at $15 for 4 instead of $45 each, it seemed worth the risk. There are probably nitpicky ways of determining their fakery, but they look and feel great. Comparing them to the expensive originals, at a glance and in the hand they are…
These photos brought joy to my embattled life, and for that I thank you!
It’s like hating this trailer was a part of some kinda middle school social acceptance.
Exactly. I remember watching the trailer and thinking “wow, this doesn’t look too bad, still a little too CoD for my tastes, but not bad.” Then the space combat part kicked in and I thought “OK, sold, this will be my first CoD purchase since Call of Duty 4!”
Well dammit... now I kind of want a MGS3 remastering on a new graphics engine like that.
Now, I have questions. Why The Division, which despite its initial sales success is creatively about as interesting as watching grass die?
During OC movement if anyone express their opinions using simplified Chinese on FB they are immediately flagged and attacked by SOME Hongkongers with insults I am not even trying to say.
same goes for the HKers who tell mainlanders to learn Canto or yell at them to behave, but fear speaking up towards any American/European foreigner, and don’t care enough to talk about South or Southeast Asians. i’ve seen rude behaviour from all nationalities here, not just mainlanders, but mainlanders gets all the…
since anti-police is the populist stance, and the media and police have mainly clashed, it’s not at all surprising all western media tends to portray HK police in the most negative light as possible. especially Paula Bronstein who in the same breath suggest that she feared the police so she jumped on someone’s car…
i’m curious if amazingmao thinks the same way about being “forced” to learn English during colonial rule or is he just biased against China.
I typed that for your imaginary professor friend.
Surely a Hong Kong professor would have no trouble responding to me in Chinese.
Which is not what I got, oh well.
Maybe you want to show off your Cantonese pride on a English based website, I seriously considered your Cantonese is invading my English Language culture.
“ I just showed your response to 孫悟空 and he said you’re an idiot” well thanks for proving my point. Good luck with your ochlocracy wet dream.
“Just stop, stop and think about what other people are telling you, people who lived through the controversies and look inside, and prepare to consider the possibility that your superficial impression might be wrong about their life experiences.”
“Meanwhile China took over and immediately attempt to erase BOTH languages that the locals knew”
“I was born and raised in Hong Kong, and fled in 97 when the handover happened.” So you are a sinophobic and you have compare Modern day China to “just imagine the Nazi came back”? did Beijing put “hongkongers” in camp and gas chamber?
The moment I see the Civic Passion flag in the picture all the validity of the movement just went out of the door for me. These are pretty much the same guys who rioted against Chinese elections in Hong Kong.
Time to accept your future Overlords and Oppressors or gtfo. Hong Kong “garbage youth” and their silly tantrums…
Oppressing your culture by changing the name of Pikachu, huh? Wonder why there were no protests for Ash Ketchum.
You are wrong. It’s more like If the US school system suddenly started dropping some of the Spanish classes in favor of English classes, and people in Texas suddenly protest against English invasion.