
I'm not ashamed to say it, I think he's sevy in a sort of twinkley eyed twink way. He's a bottom I bet.

Honestly! This is the whole internet in a nutshell, one press release and the world is ending. It's just a bit of marketing blurb to cover for the fact that we are switching frim Mel and sue creaky end of the pier act (love them as I do), to noel and sandi's style, we shall just have to wait and see.

What in the World is AV club coming too when no one makes as obvious joke about Venom and Tom hardy having a long and probing tongue! I mean come on!

I work at Heathrow and all those passengers to New York saying he'll never be elected,it will be alright, did have a couple of Hillary haters though. But since the election people have not been so chatty, not even with when buying papers with his latest efforts splashed across the fron page,

As another foreigner I'm fascinated by the Trumpian era, Whenever I come across an American I'm burning to have a discussion, but I don't want to be one of those people, so I keep my mouth shut, besides what if I make a mistake and come across a trump supporter.

Coronaton street has lots of old actors/characters. So heart attacks and cancer is not unexpected.

To quote Pratchett. "There are some people who would not help themselves from whistling Yankee Doodle in a Bar in the South"

Loved this, burn those bridges baby!
I liked that they also looked like they almost agreed with her assessment!

For you my dear.

There is an operating Horlicks factory in Slough. A beautiful red brick Victorian affair that is aching to be turned into Luxury Lofts.

Hah, I recently did a tour of Wilton House near Salisbury and home to the Pembrookes. While there I saw an exhibition of family photos from the 20's and 30's done by Cecil Beaton. The family has a history as Whiggish and often played host to artists, actors and poets and was home to some rather louche sounding

How is whether you've watched a particular movie or not any indication of how smart you are?

hmm his bbc detective series! Quite a few scenes of his surprisingly ripped manly body.

That ending really bummed me out.

People went on package tours to Greece and Spain long before they became part of the EU.

The short answer is the British weather and modern jet age tourism.

Pineapple is good in food. Pineapple on pizza is good it brings, a fruity juiciness to the pizza.

Yes, the shower scene in Misfits. Hmmmm. The camera playing over his alabaster white body and it's beautifully defined muscles. Where was I? Oh yes he needs to broaden his work to show all his talents to the public.

Not that a big a thing in the UK. I've had it back in the eighties when it was a cheap meal for the family, bought from the frozen section. But meatloaf would difficult to find in most British supermarkets these days.

I am a reforming picky eater. I was quite picky as a child and was meat and potato eater basically plus all the worlds carbs, sugars and dairy. But healthy stuff ugh. But I liked lettuce and cucumber and then onion and over the years I've added more things. Still not keen on raw tomato's and I have just realised