Michael Goldman

Congratulations. He did a very good job on the episodes of Law & Order SVU that he appeared in last season.

NBC doesn't have any strategy. They don't know how to prepare for the future. They don't know how to anticipate what to do if a major star wants to leave a show. Their actual strategy is to hope and pray for a miracle. I understand what you are saying(and you might be right) but I think that you are giving them too

Don't speak the truth so loudly. NBC has a love affair with her. She was the most overpaid actress in television this season. Anything more than $10,000 per episode for what she put out there for the public to watch is way too much. They have 13 episodes next season to turn Laura into a semi-serious cop show. I'm not

It would have taken a lot of balls for people to stand up, say "We really screwed up with the new shows this past season" and then resign. This way the cowards can keep their 6 and 7 figure paychecks and continue to drag NBC down with them. It's the American way.

Unless Debra Messing took a 50% pay cut, I don't know what you can call a great deal. it's going to remain at 8 pm on Wednesday. As another person said "It will be the anchor that drags down both SVU and CHICAGO PD"!

NBC is so madly in love with her that it's disgusting. Fortunately, She should only be back for 13 episodes. They have that long to try and make Laura into a semi-serious cop show. Considering how pathetic and stupid the show was this season, I'm pretty sure that they will fail. What makes me sick is that they paid