thank god you clarified that
thank god you clarified that
Clyne and Firmino are potential stars, still unproven, lallana and henderson completely crap the bed under any sort of pressure and aren’t largely seen as stars. I agree with Mane and Sturridge, but he wasn’t playing.
i wouldn’t call liverpool star-filled, they’re mostly castaways from national squads...
he owes so much tax
you are a stupid human being
so you’re just a twat... cool
Maybe just leave this guy alone, he’s 38 and collects baseballs for a living, he wasn’t good at much else, I suppose. Maybe he’s unstable?
i see melky cabrera, austin jackson, jimmy rollins, todd frazier and brett lawrie and I just can’t get there... their perpetual awfulness will eventually translate to team awfulness... avisail and eaton are the real deal though... they just don’t have it
What proof has been provided that he’s mentally ill? People scale buildings/structures quite frequently.
seriously, are we doing phrasing?
Do you know how television ratings work?