
Since it takes almost four years for Pixar to make each of their films, nine months before the release date sounds pretty late in the process.

I guess I'm in the minority of people that actually liked The Last Dinosaur. Visually, it's one of the most beautiful films I've seen.

The original Cars is much better than some of their most recent efforts, IMO.

Favorite Pixar movie: Up

I'd be careful with Metacritic scores, since they only reflect the first couple episodes in a season that were sent out early to critics. Season 7 of Dexter has a score of 81 because reception to the season premiere was so positive.

I would gladly choose to wait years for a fourth season instead of having next week be the series finale.

Beautiful Boy is great, too.

I was only stepping up there to pick up my degree.

Saw him last night in concert. Hard to tell if he's enjoying himself, but it was special to be standing less than ten feet from him at the piano.

Dylan already withdrew from the public spotlight by the time the hippie movement was starting to take over.

Good point, but I'm going to bet on them being originals.

Yes they are. Pretty sure the next three films after Toy Story 4 are all originals.

Looking forward to Coco!

In terms of animation, The Good Dinosaur is possibly the most gorgeous film I've personally seen.

It's a bummer to see this grade. I really hoped they were going to take the criticisms of the sequel to heart and make this a definite improvement.

Beer Baron

I still haven't brought myself to listen to Frankie Teardrop for the first time based on comments like yours.

I don't think they were as universally accepted at the time as they are now, and anyone who called may not have necessarily realized it was the Beatles.

This is not related to Fargo, but I always see you commenting on articles about Pixar films and always enjoy your insight on them.

I haven't watched the most recent season finale, but did it seem to be written as a possible series finale in case the show doesn't return?