
Glenn Howerton can stay on this way, too.

Would have been great to be by the Beatles' side during the famous rooftop performance, though didn't it last less than a half hour?

I've had conversations like this with friends before. The Beatles obviously come up, but I think they're a bad choice because they didn't usually sound great live with screaming girls being a major distraction.

I discovered George Harrison's Cloud Nine recently and really enjoyed it. The cover not so much.

Didn't stop to think how much drive time is cut down.

Has anyone been watching the revival season of Prison Break? As a fan of the original series (the first two seasons, at least), I was too bummed out by the season premiere to continue watching it.

I didn't watch Mad Max: Fury Road until it was available to watch on my TV, thinking to myself that it would have looked amazing on the big screen.

As someone who's interested in getting into the Dirty Projectors, where should I start in their catalog?

What was the name of that second Pinky and the Brain spinoff?

What about all the people that helped move storage into the office space that hasn't appeared onscreen yet?

Anyone been enjoying the new Beatles channel on SiriusXM?

Loved seeing that show at the Beacon Theatre back in September. Brian Wilson won't be performing much longer, so you got to appreciate him while he's still here.

I'm in college right now, and the people I live with have these type of videos up on the TV screen ALL DAY. I'm almost glad I live with them, because they inspire me to get outside and do something with my life.

Any underrated Presley albums worth checking out?

If part 2 ever happens….

There are a handful of post-2000 seasons that are very underrated.

I really enjoyed this season, too. The HD animation has really blossomed in the past couple years as well (found it very dull and too on-model for a long while), and there were a handful of episodes that I really loved. Matt Selman taking over as showrunner for several episodes a year is one of the best things to…

I mean, there have been multiple episodes where Homer is forced to leave the house like the one you mentioned. Marge wouldn't ever leave herself because she cares for the kids too much.

They will never stop the marriage-on-the-verge stories. It's part of the show's identity to remind the viewer that their marriage stays intact every year.

Martin Freeman also did a narration in season 2.