
These "mini games" are the different pieces of the larger whole, used to test the games functionality. The FPS is the promised ability to board ships, and the eventual planet side activities outside a station. We just usually don't see games this early, we only see them after the pieces are integrated into the larger

I'm basically ready to pack my stuff into my Constellation and live in Star Citizen when it releases.

I never got the "dudebro" thing...If XBOX = dudebro, then Playstation = weebos? Why generalize? Why can't fucking gamers be gamers without worry about a fucking image. WHHHY

Not to brag but Canada has been doing this for a long time now. :P

That's pretty much what I was saying yesterday too with, the difference is I don't have to have any specific game up & running in Steam for any of my friends to play. Between me & my friends the shared library is massive & these are are high quality games even. Our towers just need to be on & the game being shared not

Warcraft 4 is all I want now, ignore WoW and just make Warcraft 4.

That's the thing, Sony very much wants players to think of SharePlay as a virtual couch co-op system and nothing more but players want them to go one step further. They basically want SharePlay to be video game dropbox but that's not what SharePlay is designed for.

Hmm a new GPU or a PS4....hmmm what a predicament....New GPU it will be :P

Remember back in the day when you'd upgrade your entire computer to play one game? This is it.

I honestly can't see what is so special about this game, it looks very generic. The gunplay especially looks and sound super boring. The guns look different but perform like call of duty guns. Then there is the generic showing of fighting humans, why would I want to have gunfights with humans in this type of game?

My PS4 is gathering dust because I don't want to play any of the 8 games that are out for it.

Remember when games were all about FUN? Insomniac remembers! I get a stupid smile on my face every time I see a new trailer for this game

See this? See this shit right here? THIS is Ambient Occlusion. Everyone take a good look because this is what AO should look like, always.

you might be missing the point of that response

As a PC gamer this is great news. I look forward to checking this game out. I don't hate consoles and I'm not going to say some dumb PC master race stuff, but I just can't get into console gaming at all; I hope this trend continues so all gamers can enjoy all games regardless of their preferred platform.

Let's be clear. This game is shit, and nobody on PC actually cares to play it. But boy oh boy. Look who came back to grovel at the feet of the PC Gaming Master Race. These "exclusives" just keep falling. One by one.

Well, I'm not so sure about that. I mean, many PC gamers aren't interested at all in buying a console, so in a sense, it's not like they're going to loose many potential buyers by doing so. In fact, it might make them more money as it will add an influx of new potential buyers for their titles on the PC platform, all