You Castleton snob!
You Castleton snob!
"The AV Club turned into Jezebel so gradually, I didn't even notice."
Truly, it needs more Jus Reign
What, no love for Study Song or Skype!?!
I loved King Ralph when I was a kid. Especially the Peter O'Toole character.
"To be king of your kitchen, use Crestfield wax paper."
China still cool.
And it all ends with Stewart waking up in bed next to Suzanne Pleshette.
I've never wanted to watch someone die until this comment. I would gladly tune in for that.
9 Thumbs up? What the hell is that?!
emblazoned over its entire surface with the color brown
I'm just here because I like the article title
Again, sorry about the face!
I'm still waiting for Ark: Diplomacy Evolved. That's my kind of game. Training dinosaurs by convincing them of the great potential we have as a team.
"Wowie-wow-wow!" - Arch Hall, Jr.
Every time I read that title, I think the movie is about an epic tennis battle. My mind just won't believe it's not.
So would I. That channel is the main reason I miss cable.
and occasionally blow up themselves?
ah, we may live in the same state, where people believe they someday will magically be rich even though they have no money right now and no way to get more.