Rathnavel Pandian IPS

WTF, mammals only!?!?

I am impressed by your follow-through. Now I shall spend the rest of the day on that site. Thanks!

I love Leela's Homeworld and that damn montage that makes me cry. I like it just a little extra because that song starts off with a sample from "Sweet Charity", a movie I love.

Make us proud, son!
Never forget who you are!

Look at me, I'm wearing a cardboard belt!

Same here! Just reading the fucking title has put this song in my head and now I've got to kill it with musical fire.

Damn, I never knew my hometown station Y107 did anything worth noting outside of Nashville! It was the station we all listened to as kids and then graduated to 103.3 in time for grunge. Of course, they're both shit today.

I think they came out at least twice a year? I can't recall.

No pogs, but I had that issue of Mad and it's bringing back the memories something fierce.

I remember it too! I was in 10th grade English and we all watched it. I had a bet with my friend that OJ would be found not guilty. I won, but at what cost?

I think I saw it sometime later on one of the free HBO weeks, and I know it was during high school (94-98). I only remember that I loved the Indomitable Spirit sketch, but I'm sure most of it went over my head.

I literally get chills when I hear that solo.

what, no love for Smellin' of Troy?

I saw that as a preteen with my parents in the theater and felt embarrassed during the sex scenes. My favorite scenes involved LL Cool J.

We owned the Kenny & Dolly Christmas Album, so I am sure I have seen the special. That album was played every year in our house.

Yay! It is a must-read for everyone interested in silent films.

I'm now more convinced than ever that these Beatles lists are very effective trolling disguised as articles.

I'll admit I don't have a smartphone. So it's either iPod or nothing.

But where else will I hear people telling others to not get all up in their fries?

Love it, and also love Old Brown Shoe. I get out Hey Jude just to listen to that track. This list needs way more Harrison.