
Hillary gets advance notice and a closed door private meeting, Sanders and O’Malley get ambushed. Right.

Am concidering emailing the Jez writers to write a bit about Eric Abetz (as in the great-nephew of Nazi, Otto Abetz) the minister for employment, stating that gay men don’t actually want to get married.

They get put on the ‘back bench’, which is basically getting severely demoted. If they have a ministry portfolio they will lose that. They also run the risk of being booted from the party and forcing a by-election for the seat they represent.

Meanwhile, in real Australian news, our absolute prick of a Prime Minister put his foot down last night, effectively banning members of his party from voting on their conscience regarding Gay Marriage. Instead they have to vote ‘along party lines’, which is anti-Gay Marriage. Australia is the last English speaking

But it’s also sort of odd that a U.S. court would force the U.S.-born children of a U.S.-born mother to live with their German father who lives in France because he was unable to have his visa renewed. Right?

Criminals commit crimes. Suicide is not a crime.

We’ve had one of these “men of NYC are jaded and spoilt and always want more” stories, every 10 years, since the 80s run of asshole banker/finance types and the culture of “More is better”.

Would you prefer it masquerade as news like on some other channels?

Oh, FFS. This whole bag check thing wouldn’t have anything to do with Delta Sigma Theta being a historically black sorority, would it? Naah!

If you need some wood for a fire #treehack #lifehack

Can we talk about the use of the word “hack”?

“They are also more sensitive, so they experience greater pain than others, I’m sure.”

Because the world is a generally awful place and people who are more intelligent are able to perceive that moreso than the rest of the population.

Probably because she was raised on those awful romance novels her step-mom wrote and went to those awful boarding schools that were a step above finishing schools to train her to be a wife.

Royal is different than aristocratic. Aristocrats have the duties they create for themselves or none at all, as they choose. Monarchs HAVE to do things on a set schedule all the time.

I think there must be something we don’t know. She should have known, even at her young age and being kind of dumb that a “real” marriage was not what she was getting. Maybe Charles was too open about Camilla, or too jealous of Diana’s flings. Or maybe she thought she could handle it, but in reality she was too

They were actually linked romantically in the early days (when she was still camilla shand) but then she got married.

I don’t think I KNEW before this moment that he was dating Camilla before, during, and after being married to Diana. I guess if I’d thought about it I’d have said he may have met her during his marriage and cheated. The idea that that relationship completely encompassed his whole dating and marriage of another woman

I’ll never understand why Diana came from the family she did, but still didn’t understand the royal gig, and believed it was a “real” marriage. It’s a real shame, because camilla would have been content to be royal mistress forever. unlike diana (and some of charles’ other mistresses) she knew the score and how things

The “grotto” at the swimming pool must be a freaking biohazard.