
That is horrible, but I’m not at all shocked to hear this story. The Catholic church as an organization does not respect women, and it fosters abuse of all kinds.

Now playing

I grew up in Ireland in the 1980s and 1990s, and as a consequence it always surprises me when people think of nuns as anything other than abusive tyrants.

The treatment of nuns is why I am no longer a Catholic. I grew up in the faith, attending parochial school and going to church every Sunday with my grandmother. But when I was confirmed, I started looking around at the weird pageantry of the church. Little girls wearing wedding dresses for their Communions. Nuns

My one aunt is a former nun, who left the convent and became a Jew. I have another aunt who is still a nun, and she absolutely hates it. She is a free spirit, and only joined to escape a bad, abusive home situation, just like her sister did. The other nuns are terrible to her- they force her to eat in silence, they

I was raised Catholic and spent several years being taught by nuns in Catholic school. While most of them were unobjectionable, there were always a few who were evil scions of Hell. I’m sure they went into teaching purely to give maximum expression to their innate sadism.

Powerful and important, even if convent life is substantially different now. Too many sisters and nuns are given a pass by young women who think they are great because they occasionally do something politically liberal or because they had some good ones who taught them in school. It’s the “Nuns Rock! Squee!” school of

I love this. I love how a country can be united in art to collectively mourn but still celebrate each other.

“If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.”

Thank you for doing this. I hate to look at these images, but people seem to forget that this is what it looks like when a man beats up a person less than half their size.
It’s crazy because while I know this will make (likely a positive) difference, I’m sad that it’s necessary. I’m sad that it took video of Ray Rice

This is as important a story as Deadspin has ever done. My contempt for Hardy, Jones and Goodell is matched only by my admiration for Diana’s epic reporting.

Ah yes, I remember how readers of this particular site showed their true colors the first time Jezebel reported on this.

Let’s not forget the mobile paper shredder trucks that spent several days at Dick Cheney’s house before he left office!

The year after Deathly Hallows came out, I started my architecture degree. On one of the boards in the first year studio someone (presumably from the year before) had written “Harry Potter lives!!”
I’m sure that person ruined someone’s 2007.

The summer that book came out my younger brothers wrote “SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE” in giant letters in the sand on the beach at Lake Michigan. Memories!

For what it’s worth, these douchebros made a sign that sounds like they want to call the father’s “Daddy,” not that they want the daughters to call them Daddy.

Hopefully the female proprietor. (simultaneous would also be acceptable but, unicorn)

At my school, every dorm had signs pointing to where you were supposed to go along with some attempt at light-hearted fun/bad jokes.

But which came first?

If *I* was writing a screenplay about Ashley Madison, the dénouement would reveal that Ashley Madison was created by a woman – a woman whose husband had cheated on her!

My mom was a Delta (DST) and I would have been a legacy. I declined to pledge b/c I just wasn’t into the whole “group” scene.