
My dear departed grandfather told me when I was quite young, a very important lesson:

That looks so disturbingly like one of my former students. On all fronts.

Oh he’s definitely a subscriber:

“And if you pause here, you can actually see his heart break.”

What are the odds that Mr. Sensitive wore a fedora?

now if we could just get the nytimes to write an expose piece about every unjust act/practice...

Probably some of both.

An undocumented worker in the US usually means a person who either entered the country without a visa or overstayed their visa while living legally in the US.

“Undocumented” means that they are employed under the table, because they don’t have official immigration status. They could be here under a variety of circumstances, such as they may have had proper visas which have since expired, or they could have been brought over here by someone who promised them a good life and

Hey Jez, good to know your first mention of Sanders is about this, and NOT about how he has and wants to spread equality. You’re so helpful.

The Great One already came and his name is Gretzky.

The internet has damaged my ability to discern satire because that’s what this is, right? Right?

Give this guy a column.

Up the dose.

“racial words”................

What you can’t see is the pile of failed attempts littering the Pizza Hut floor.

As any good tailor will tell you, to really complete a good trouser job you need a heavy Blazer.