
According to their Support staff, Netflix is interested, but Amazon is explicitly not in the market for non-original programming, unfortunately.

Both. I only watched about halfway through the first season, but I got the sense that even though the show knew that that character was supposed to terrible, the actor playing her did not.

I do love Dr Who, but you pretty much have to be in EXACTLY the right frame of mind going in

Joss Whedon is for nerds who ALWAYS want to join a club that would have them as a member

Yeah, I knew it would be a tough sell for me going in. When it comes to TV, I need the setting to vary more, and for the main character to be non-terrible.

I've sunk a lot of time into trying to like Buffy. I liked Firefly and The Avengers, but anything else in the Whedonverse strikes me as far too self-consciously clever and wordy not to cringe through. It's like being forced to hear someone use the word "perchance", ironically, over and over again.