
I'm out of the bottom 20! Good things CAN happen to mediocre people!

You warned me and I didn't listen. I have no one to blame but myself.

*throws wine goblet*

These two things might actually move me up in the standings!

But we're still hurting!

And this is why I continue to punch myself for forgetting about the add/drop part of the League.

Good job, GJI! Every now and then you pull through for us.

Amethyst would do the dishes by doing what she does best. By eating them.

Upvoting your own comment is considered tacky.

You aren't wrong.

I think Brodie thought that you were replying to Big_Knife's reply to Yvette's original comment. Disqus can suck sometime.

Classic MAL shenanigans.

I work at one and I can honestly say it is the most rewarding, enjoyable job I've ever worked at.

It can be two things!

I really want it to hit big, personally.

It's something they did

I'm assuming you were in the writers room?

That sounds absolutely fascinating.

May they never die. Speaking of, still waiting on Hellsing Ultimate Abridged…

Same goes for TFTB season 2.