
This time I won't forget Add/Drop week!

The very first promotional tweet from King was a picture of the Horn of Eld with the words 'last time around'

Teen Wolf begins airing the back half of their final season tonight as well.
Are you still watching, @avclub-5e5e0bd5ad7c2ca72b0c5ff8b6debbba:disqus?

Western New Yorkers Unite to get the fuck out of here.

Didn't he already have a failed military operation with casualties 3 months back?

Even The Room?

That's a fair cop. Personally, I'm a sucker for fish-out-of-water survival stories.

If only. Unpopular opinion: I prefer Universe over the other series'.

Especially since Smoky the Bear has lost his funding.


Cancellation League will be back soon enough!

Olivia Colman was also in a guest bit as Prisoner Zero in the series 5 premiere.

How the heck is Busy Philipps so high?

How is House of Cards getting regular coverage when the review for the last two episodes of the season were already posted?

Draw two cards?

Just to let you know, you have the same answers listed for DD1 and DD2.

Viserys was in that same episode as well.

Get him someone maternal!

I comoletely forgot this came back tonight! Thanks for the heads up!

I'll allow it!