çº√fᵉfᵉ ratamacue76

I'm not here to argue with anyone. I posted my thoughts on the article and the series and that's that. Have a nice Sunday afternoon.

If that's how you see it, that's fine.

Sorry, I didn't see any progressive narrative. For me this season was a story about accepting your circumstances, bearing personal responsibility throughout these circumstances, failing and then trying again, personal growth, perseverance through extreme difficulty, the importance of a strong family unit, fighting

From what I gather most aren't paying attention to this movie because it doesn't rate the attention. The only people who seem to be talking about it are the ones looking for an excuse to either bash the film, Murdoch and/or Christians. Well, at least that's what it is coming off as anyways to those of us watching from

If Al Gore had been President at the time would he have blamed 9/11 on this video? My money says yes. ;)

Live feed television is good for background noise …. really expensive background noise.

We don't watch them, but we sure pay for them.

I remember trying New Coke; I also remember pouring it down the sink shortly afterwards.

People who do creative things should think ahead and protect their portion of any earnings that may be made off of their work from the beginning and not in hind-sight. When trying to get this money after the fact it hardly ever works out.

I have never thought about it like that … and now I feel old.