
I was taught at an early age that revving a non-loaded engine excessively is really bad on the rings, rods, etc.. Now revving seems to be a sport on its own. What’s the real deal?

I have not read all 198 replies, but I don’t see it mentioned that there is about a 99.9% chance Apple already has the software written for this. It is really hard to imagine that they wouldn’t have a back door in place for their own use.

And don’t forget hood pins.

No gun rack?!

That’s a really good point. I look for dirt in the little crevices that you can’t get to too easily with a rag or brush, but steam cleaning would remove. If you look closely, you can usually see if it was kept fairly clean or just recently hosed off. The engines in my Mach 1 and my wife’s Elantra Touring (Sorry, no

Yeah, a nice try to make the interior look not-so-bad. But am I the only one who wipes down their engine/engine bay every time I wash the car? It kills me to see any car in decent shape with an engine compartment that looks like the hood has never been opened. I reeks of neglect.