Cyril_Figgis - Even my sweater vest is grey

Except that it is her profession and she is not ashamed of it at all. Why should we instill that shame on her by saying "Oh we won't mention what you do for a living." If she were a doctor, lawyer, etc. would you say something like that? Do you recognize that telling people they should omit that is basically an

The press needs to stop calling this a beating or an attack. It's attempted murder and sexual assault. The woman was forced to watch her friend get beaten, then she got beaten, stabbed, sexually assaulted, threatened with further rape, tortured, and the only reason she's alive is because he decided to go look for a

"I don't need femisin because i like when my men are men, i was FURIOUS when my husband turned out to be a possum"

(Apologies in advance for the bad joke)

ok but why so much circling?

Kitty is the boss :)

haha, This is how my dog always was. Jack Russel/Beagle mix. Every time she saw our cat she'd get really fucking playfully excited. "HOLY SHIT IT'S THE CAT YOU GUYS DO YOU SEE THE CAT I'M GOING TO GO OVER AND TRY TO PLAY WITH THE CAT ONCE AGAIN."

I've always said my cats would smoke at least three packs a day and shuffle off a quart or two of bourbon were I to keep either around. The dog would offer to hold their lighters.

Small dogs are hilarious. They meet a creature smaller than they are they just get SO. OMG. EXCITED. My Chihuahua-mix does this same little loopty-loop thing any time she gets to hang out with a new cat-friend.

That's the thing: unions are far from perfect, but they are a HELL of a lot better than what happens when you don't have unions. Anyone who doesn't think unions are necessary and that we should just not have ANY worker protections is either evil or a moron.

Thank you for this, especially the Union-friendly part. I've been a member of a weak Union and a strong one, but any Union is so much better than none. Unions are what helped the US have a strong middle class (while I'm an Old, I'm not actually old enough to have been alive then, but I did gradumacate college) and we

I've never understood why unions are such pariahs in the States. The paid vacation, five day week, fair wages and benefits would disappear if unions or the threat of collective bargaining did not exist. Unionization in the fast food industry would make the most radical improvements for workers and consumers. But we

I am... weirdly down for Expendabelles? Let's nominate some badasses to be in the cast:

As a professor of science, I can confirm that, no, a sharknado can't happen.

Romeo! Light of my life, fire of my loins! I have just ceremonially destroyed my glasses. AT THIS VERY MOMENT I am crash-dieting, laser-removing my tattoo, and quitting smoking in order to prove myself worthy of your warm and loving embrace.

I also have an allergy to bullshit, so please remove the previous commenter's statement.

Huh. So there's evidence that the more physically-imposing member of a relationship has a significant chance of committing acts of violence against their partner, regardless of either partner's gender identity, and the rates mostly hold up regardless of the gender identity of the partners. So basically there's a %

My dog is essentially Angie Jordan. Its her way until pay day and where is her ham. If you're on the couch, she's on the couch making sure you have to sit in a yoga position. The only time my dog has ever been near me but not on me or pushing me off the couch/bed is when I had knee surgery. She just sat quietly on the

I used to have 3 cats. Two (RIP-natural causes later) adults and a baby imp kitten (big, old and lazy now). One of the adults had her crazed play spells and keep me up at night. The addition of the imp didn't help as she never stopped her attack mode so they would all whip into a witching hour play chase wrestle

Aww, that's really sweet. Dogs are the best (and I say that as someone who is generally a cat person)