So much this. Banning Peacekeeper from an “MLG” event is just pandering to that cry baby mentality.
So much this. Banning Peacekeeper from an “MLG” event is just pandering to that cry baby mentality.
I don’t want to hear the accusation of cheese from an Orochi main who knows nothing but how to spam three of the moves from his kit. All of this talk about PK being OP is coming from people who are simply not good enough at the same to counter her. Don’t want to get bled to death? Simple. Guard-break reliably. Don’t…
This guy knows what he’s talking about. I’ve mained PK for over 50 hours and skilled players know full well how to deal with her moveset reliably. Once you fine tune your ability to defend against her telegraphed moveset you take away her greatest strength, once she’s out of stamina you press the advantage. Several…
I disagree wholeheartedly with this assessment. Play the game before formulating such detailed thoughts, videos are only showing part of the picture.
PK is powerful but she is not OP. I don’t know who you main but almost everybody has an effective counter for her light spam.
This talk about Peacekeepers being overpowered is incredibly frustrating to me. Her moveset is easily counterable and telegraphed. Banning her makes absolutely no sense when you have cheese combos from several other heroes ontop of the defense meta as the norm. Hell, to my knowledge she hasn’t even won most of the…