Rasputin v Tarkovsky

Gonna miss your byline here. But, yeah, the comments were often a litmus on which commenters I would never take seriously again. Good grief. 

I do not have adequate words. I just wanted to let you know that I will deeply miss reading your work on this site, and hope that you continue to write publicly elsewhere. I valued and always looked forward to reading your thoughts and opinions on media I had consumed, or media I was preparing to consume. I have

I will miss seeing the distinctive, world-wise perspective you have brought to every article you’ve written around these parts, Charles. So many people would unfairly presume an agenda on your part, but all I’ve ever seen is the sharp mind of a keen writer who’s unafraid to view comfortable entertainment under a

Another talented writer leaves G/O. I wonder why I keep coming back, besides habit. These sites used to be a collection of interesting weirdos…less and less so every day. 

You’ve written some of the most important pieces for Gawker’s network of websites in the past decade. I have learned so much about our society, culture, and myself from your work, and I expect that will continue wherever you end up. Sad to see you go, but excited to follow you at your next venture!

You seem like you definitely know more about them than me, however in all the sources I’ve found (admittedly probably like...3?) it says that antlers were not part of the original native folklore for wendigoes. I haven’t heard of the voice imitation, either. That’s interesting.

Very common to indigenous people in the Iroquois language family. All wendigoes are the spirits of people that committed cannibalism. The description can change from human sized and starvation skinny to 30+ ft tall. Antlers are a big clue. And they lure victims by sounding like a loved one or child crying in

This is a possibility that has never occurred to me.

I thought about wendigos at some point, but I wasn’t sure how much I was just being influenced by the show Hannibal.

My first thought when I read this was “Fae.  Gotta be some kind of Fae.”  You don’t hear too much about them in the US, like you do Europe and the British Isles, but I have never assumed they’re not here...

WENDIGO! Description is on point and in the right part of the country. Most scary of the indigenous monsters. 


Yeah, we talk about it every few years. We come to the same conclusion-why did we BOTH see it?

Also, yes to the puppy trap. Seriously. Good call on that one.

Skin-walker?? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skin-walker?scrlybrkr=fd69a771#:~:text=In%20Navajo%20culture%2C%20a%20skin,is%20never%20used%20for%20healers. Wrong part of the country, but seriously. That is fucked up, and the fact that your friend saw it, too, is key. Have you guys ever talked about it since then?

W.... T.... A... F!

I’ll preface this by saying I’m a skeptic-as much as I’d like supernatural things to exist, I find it hard to believe. I’m sure there’s a logical explanation for what I encountered, but that doesn’t stop it from being the weirdest fucking thing I’ve ever experienced.