Drew A. Blanc

You go girl! I’m 43 and even if I look much younger, don’t think I could pull it off. I’ll live through you.

I can still hear her little “whup” noise as she throws it.

Now that I could get behind! :D

Yes. This would trigger my sensory-overloadedness and I’d get internally ragey. HOWEVER, I love the fact they’re all having a great time.

I read kingons as klingons, which would probably make things more exciting if true.

Campy fun? What? Is this real? I’m confused... LOL

I’m showing my age here, but when I was in grade 8, I volunteered at a local nursing home. One woman I would visit had altzheimer’s and thought I was her (adult) daughter. Each week, I’d make up more and more lavish stores including where I was married to Andrew Ridgley from WHAM - he was hotter to me than George -