
I'm pretty sure I saw a Jon Voight in there.

"Don't forget your phone, stupid idiot" was a pretty great in-character Dennis ad lib when Kaitlin Olsen just forgot about it as she walked out of the scene. Or maybe I'm reading into it…

Another actual quote from John Madden: "Which is bigger: millimeters or centimeters?"

Yeah, I must watch too many sitcoms because honestly as soon as he said he didn't want directions and then entered the room, it was obvious to me that this was the reporter rather than the PR person. It was really telegraphed.

Well, I don't think the bats are the crazy part in batshit. Guano's absurdly high nitrogen, potassium, and phosphate levels are pretty crazy if you think about it. "Batshit" doesn't really suggest bats are crazy anymore than "bullshit" suggests bovines are untrustworthy.

It was just as weird to me that Gus engaged back in front of his coworkers. He clearly could have told her to remain calm or have this conversation elsewhere and at least saved face in front of his coworkers, making him seem like a rational person by taking the high road. Instead, he fought back as though having a

There actually is a cane in Citizen Kane, though. So Lisa was wrong.

To add on to Eli's point, many decisions to attempt suicide are very impulsive and not some sort of longterm plan over days or weeks (people who survive suicide attempts usually don't try again). Reducing access to guns reduces suicide rates in numerous studies. So while there's an argument to be made that gun

Yeah Moe, those writers sure did suck last night. I've seen writers suck before, but those were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked. Oh, I've gotta go. My damn wiener kids are listening.

Hah I had the same reaction. I just thought it was incredibly impressive. When the rest of the bus looked with confusion and embarrassment at her performance, I was legitimately confused why they weren't clapping…because that was amazing.

Did anybody else catch the subtle Airplane reference at the airport?

Doesn't somebody get disemboweled with a lightsaber in every Star Wars movie?

I don't hate Laura on the show. I really, really don't like that the writers made such an obviously one-note character who exists solely as a punching bag for them. The people who hate Laura on the show are basically buying into a soap opera villain on what's supposed to be a spy drama. I'm surprised she hasn't slept

Alta and Deer Valley still don't allow snowboards.

"Obama immediately came to my mind as a current example of a great man"

Yeah, but regardless of the fact that snowboards were invented in the late 70s, snowboarding in movies didn't really kick off until the mid-to-late 90s.

Ummm you know this is the comment section for episode five, right? Spoilers, bud.

Homeland writers: "Is it just us or is Glenn Greenwald a gigantic piece of shit who doesn't care about the lives of white people?"

I was thinking it was ADR in the past few weeks (her face wasn't in frame when Paris specifically was mentioned, so it could have been additional dialogue). But you're right that it could have been a Charlie Hebdo reference.