raspberry beret

This entire administration is lesson in the astonishing ability of the trust funded white man to fail his way to the top in this country.

That’s snark, not anger, but we’re on the internet.

Well, this is some projection. Nobody said anything about discrimination at any point.

Right. I forget forgot how extremely difficult it is for a man to see a male doctor.

Why the hell would GoGoGadget care whether or not men see male doctors and make their own medical decisions?

The second you can’t find a male doctor in your area to treat your penis problems, you come back and let us know.

Ok, fine, but only once. I don’t care who you see. I do care that it is far more difficult for women to see female doctors. That the health model is based on the physiology of a white man. That women are under-diagnosed from everything from MS to heart failure. That female pain is dismissed, especially when you’re a

Done with everyone who chides me for demanding female doctors. Yes, #notallmen, your father etc was an OBGYN, ...

I wish younger me was strong enough to kick him in the face and walk out.

Yeah it sucks. I’m changing doctors again partially out bc of insurance but also because I disliked the last guy I had. At one point, he asked me what I did if I was in pain and I said “Well, the only thing that really does anything to reduce the pain then is to stop whatever the activity was and wait for the pain to

That’s awful! I’m so sorry that happened. My experience wasn’t nearly as bad, but enough to put me off male doctors forever. I had to go to a urologist. He laughed at me when mentioning a possible diagnostic anal scope (haha, you should have seen your face when I said that! Haha). Told me he could get a female nurse

I wonder how often this is happening? I was abused during my first-ever gynecological exam for the Navy in the mid ‘80's. I didn’t know any better.

Those of us who have the luxury of being able to choose exclusively female gynaecologists should all thank our lucky stars.

It’s just enough to drive a modern person mad to listen to these incels from the internet area ensconced in their comfortable secure lives complaining about the fact that they’re discriminated against because they don’t have enough sex. It’s like, Jesus get a hobby. For Christ’s sake, you — you — ”

Here it might be worth mentioning — as an observation, not an excuse — that 17 is about when serious mental illness kicks in for boys. Add extremely farked brain wiring/chemical imbalance to the group identity pressures that peak right around there, put them in a man’s body, and you have the makings of a violent

The assholes who post troll-news “for the lulz” will, in the grand scheme of history, do more harm to American Democracy than any amount of terrorists. They are actively destroying the ability to conduct informed democracy just for no other reason than amusement at their own antics.

Outstanding exploration. I find your theories highly resonant.

The guy who shot several people (all with foreign roots) over here in Munich was of Iranian descent and believed himself to be “indo-aryan” which never kept the right wingers from labeling him “a muslim”.
It’s your standard variety person running amok - quiet young man, probably a history of mental problems,

I agree with you historically, and it doesn’t seem like anyone talks about Greece anymore, but back when it’s financial crisis was front page news, I seem to remember their Neo-Nazi political movement picking up steam.

And of course right after the suspect was identified the Russian troll factory and 4chan were already spreading conspiracy theories and creating social media account saying he was a Clinton supporter and part of antifa.