raspberry beret

It’s not “early” if they were going to keep her in prison beyond her sentence by mistake.... JEZ or Ny Post headline?

Passive aggression is an unwise tactic to take against someone who has demonstrated a willingness to use gasoline on your property IMO

“But, perhaps most important, the Los Angeles Police Department is now investigating 52 complaints against Tyndall, who has said he plans to continue practicing well into his 80s”

Your every single sentence starts with “I”. Maybe you should reflect on that a bit.

She didn’t ask you or any other man to extend her any “courtesy” regarding her decision. She doesn’t owe you anything.

I agree with much of what you are saying. I think it’s too bad that kids can’t have real chemistry sets anymore. And hobbyists should be able to build their own drones even if they end up losing a finger because they did something dumb. But this vape pen is fundamentally a drug delivery device. It is only for

I understand that. But that does not absolve the company of all responsibility for how their product is used.

Thank you! I was going to cite the Pinto, but wasn’t sure if anyone here would know what I was talking about.

Eh, quite. Do you think that you know all about the risks but the company that made the pen didn’t? Of course it was the battery that was the ignition source, but it’s pedantry on your part and weaselry on the company’s to argue that the pen didn’t explode. Pieces of it ended up as shrapnel in a man’s brain. I call

“A representative for Smok-E Mountain, which manufactures a specific type of pen called a mechanical mod, told ABC News that their devices do not explode, suggesting instead that the atomizer or battery could have malfunctioned.”

PEI gets tourists from Japan where Anne of Green Gables is a thing. Plus they grow nice potatoes.

Dude, fuck off back wherever you came from.

All Catholics don’t “condone rape.” The Catholic church has comprised abusers, facilitators of abuse, victims of abuse, and sincere believers in Christianity who have been hurt by what they have learned about the church heirarchy. But by your book just by being Catholic a person is guilty of “condoning child abuse”?

I really don’t know what you are, but you should care if someone jokes that you rape kids.

How would you feel if someone said to you “Ya’ll fuck kids, right?” How exactly is that is fighting church sex abuse? Loyola had restrictions on comedic subject matter that aren’t that unusual and which apparently Burress didn’t object to before he showed up. So he gets props for saying the administrators must fuck

I taught for a spell at a Catholic college. I guess they realized some new faculty might have concerns, because at orientation a Jesuit priest on the faculty assured us that there were no restrictions on our teaching - with the exception that attacks on the church weren’t allowed. That seemed reasonable to me.

That’s blatant self-serving BS. Blaming everyone else while refusing to acknowledge his own is pure Trump.

While you throw everyone in the southern US in the garbage, regardless of their personal politics and beliefs, maybe you can acknowledge the fact that Trump is a quintessential specimen of a certain type crude bullying braggart American of a specifically Northern variety. You all created him.

You got plenty of your own. Don’t kid yourself.

The last half of 3rd paragraph is lifted straight from the Bible. 2 Timothy. Pasted in like his words and the Bible are the same source.