Henry W

I'm not sure whether my problem with the portrayal of the communists is with the movie or people's response to it. Thinking back on the movie, I don't think the Coens were going for some half-assed satire of communism, but with some people calling Hail, Caesar! some kind of brilliant political satire I guess maybe I

It was made by former socialists who became right-wing nationalists. The distinction between left and right wing is not more vs. less government. It is about equality vs. hierarchy, and fascism, nazism, and capitalism wish to preserve class hierarchy whereas the left wishes to destroy it. If you knew anything about

Do you actually know what communism is or do you just regurgitate Cold War propaganda?

First of all, conservatism is an ideology that has had its fair share of mass murder (or supporting mass murder) worldwide so I wouldn't get high and mighty. Secondly, comparing National Socialism to communism is a false equivalency. National Socialism is inherently racist and authoritarian, whereas communism isn't.

Not getting caught up in ideology or politics is kind of a passive ideology/politics in its own right, if only for its acceptance of the status quo. So when Mannix is hitting a certain character for being convinced by the communists or keeping the other characters in line for the studio, that's not anti-ideology.

What's the point of art if you take the themes out of it? I think grades/scores are kind of dumb so if that's your problem I'm not going to argue, but when it comes to personal opinions is it not fair to dislike a work of art if it expresses something that doesn't ring true for you? For an extreme example, Birth of a

A certain character is slapped around for being conviced by communists and told to stop being an idiot and do their job. If a movie treated slapping a round a character for being conservative as "teaching him a lesson" would you not be a little put-off too?