
I was always angry he never worked on Berserk to finish it. I know the stress of working on a mange, time crunch, etc. is insane but I always hated we never got much of it because I wanted to see what happened next like everyone else. Now he has died at such a young age. I am glad he took the time to enjoy himself

I was always angry he never worked on Berserk to finish it. I know the stress of working on a mange, time crunch, etc. is insane but I always hated we never got much of it because I wanted to see what happened next like everyone else. Now he has died at such a young age. I am glad he took the time to enjoy himself

Yep, and it is awful.

Don’t know if it is possible but instead of taking out the ability to bow to shrines the shrines should be taken out. The shrines are part of their religion and taking out the ability to bow to them is disrespectful to that entire religion. As there are no other religious icons (at least that I know of) in the game

I would say partly it’s because human’s have the best racial features for most classes, especially if they add the human variant. But also in most cases with the first character you play as people want to make themselves but also an idealized version of themselves. So people are going to choose the one human head that

But this isn't the whole game. This isn't even close to the full game. You don't think they will add more faces and whatever? When they don't even have all the classes in there? The game hardly f*cking runs right now. They are going to add a lot more. 

A picture I think fits KH perfectly.

I have had no trouble getting through those levels. There are definitely levels where things slow down a lot and it is harder to find quests but I have never had trouble finding a group when I actually wanted one. Maybe it is just the server you are on. That said, it was harder to level which is why things were

I’m glad to have the updated graphics and being able to play it without the resolution being all fucked but what gets me is they lied about cutscenes. Yes, they made them 4K but really? Not remaking them all? Only remaking the first one? They had so much time and so long to do all this stuff and they just decided not

A perfect example of You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Kingdom Hearts is absolutely atrocious.

Now playing

all I could think of is this Game Grumps moment. lol.

The fact that the idea that Nazis don’t deserve to exist and that it’s a “controversial political statement” to hate Nazis is so f*cuked up. We literally had a world war about their ideas being purely evil.

After reading this I kind of get why Youtube is doing it but still. This now makes it so everyone who has ever cussed now has to appeal their demonetized videos. Take the Game Grumps. They have well over a thousand videos now are going to have every since video flagged because they cuss and make sexual jokes to each

Well yeah. You grind up transferred Pokemon to get the candy. Knew that the day the game actually started working.

I liked it. It’s not amazing but I thought it was cool. I mean, compare it to the rest of the DC films ever... when have they been good? Nolan’s Batman was the only good one of the two super hero’s they have ever made films about. Man of Steal was the first time I actually cared to watch Superman because I HATE

Always permadeath. I get why they added the non-permadeath option but I have been playing Fire Emblem since it came out in America and it just doesn’t feel right without it. It’s a game where I don’t want an easy path.