
I can understand the “want more space, then buy it” argument, to a degree. It’s the same logic that applies to car and house purchases. However, whereas the price gradient of house and cars presents the consumer with an array of choices, airline seating is either the really shitty seats in the back or the OMG lounge

“Without a doubt, this is, by design, less space than you have in cabins for our customers who desire a different product.”

Yup, and when you’re in the seat behind me, trying to use your laptop or just have your meal, and I slam my seat into your space, making either one impossible, I’m sure you’ll be super happy.

When you’re afraid of the peasants lynching you, GTFO. Seriously, I have zero respect for people like that. Like Scott Pruitt, who absolutely had to fly first class to not be accosted by us, the lowly everyday people. If it gets to that point, you’re doing it wrong, and you need to leave.

The economics of the airline industry are brutal. I get why they would say “if you want more space, buy it.” It’s amazingly cheap to fly today. Far cheaper than it should be, to be honest.

Fox News offers such a diverse pool of applicants from which to recruit.

That’s not fair.

The good news is that Sarah’s now qualified for so many other jobs that require a straight face, like...

When you accept a job in which your foremost duty is lying to the American public, you deserve to have the press pool rip you a new orifice every single day of the week. A lie delivered “sweetly” is still a lie, and SHS has been far from amiable.
Any person accepting the job of press secretary for this administration

Kimberly Guilfoyle, the former Fox News host (Ahhhhhh) and girlfriend of Donald Trump Jr.

Do you really think Sarah has been treated more poorly than Sean was? When your job is defending and justifying President Flip-flop’s lies and contradictory statements, surely you have to expect some tough questions?

There’s only one acceptable replacement for Sanders: The statue of Buddy Jesus.

Republicans don’t care at all about charges of “hypocrisy”. If it’s something they feel they can attack, they’re gonna do it— regardless of whether those in their group are guilty of the same things. From adulterous Newt Gingrich going after Bill Clinton for his affair, to draft-dodging George Bush Jr. Swift-boating

They are scared shitless of her and I am loving every minute of it.

Considering the current Republican president is the most ignorant person to have ever held the office, Republicans don’t have much to stand on in terms of criticizing Democrats for being ignorant. 

increased oil prices means Putin gets personally wealthier since he pretty much takes over anything he wants.

Right. Global market vehicles are a big reason for increased fuel economy standards too. So many cars in the US are on global platforms now. The R&D and tooling is already done and paid for, so there’s no reason to not use it here as well.

I’ve always felt that the Obama era standards were kind of redundant given

Or under the assumption that the rest of the world does believe in climate change and that if they want to sell cars in any other country they need to make cars to reflect that. 

Nothing like threatening nuclear war on a Sunday afternoon. 

Trump’s roll-back brought to you by Russian Oil Czars and OPEC... because when it happens, embargo and $5-7 per gallon is a wonderful thing for those folks.