
They are very noisy. Also, you would have to live on a houseboat.

My self control completely vanishes where great tits are concerned.

A bit more pellucid, perhaps. Not enough, though.

“It’s the Sun!”

These Kenyan lions must be real hard cases, attacking a rhino.

Lizards don’t get PTSD.

Saltwater crocs are found in Indonesia and northern Australia and they are adapted to life in saltwater - they’ve been encountered on the high seas. We don’t have them in the New World. The crocs you saw would have been American crocodiles or Morelet’s crocodiles. As I recall, American crocs have some ability to

Always. And everywhere.

There’s a high degree of endemism in that area, particularly for plethodontid salamanders - grade off a mountain top and you’re quite possibley graded off the only spot in the world where one or more species are found.

Performance experiments like this actually involve careful control of sample variation. They look a bit sloppy because you’re letting the organism integrate all of the factors it’s dealing with, and all that you get out of this is an index of performance.

Actually anoles have those too. They’ve got scansors on their digits, with the hairlike setae, and use the same method of adhesion as do geckos.

This is pretty mild. Those transplantation experiments you mention? Schoener (one of the authors) and his co-workers planted colonies of anoles on little offshore islands where there were no lizards, in the Bahamas. These colonies lasted for years until their islands were scrubbed clean of life by hurricanes - Irma

Must be weird, doing ecological field work with people all around you. I used to go days without seeing a soul.

The way that carbon taxes are set up in Canada, they’re revenue-neutral - the money is returned to the taxpayer. Our “Canadian friend” doesn’t even appear to know that. And leaving it up to the market to come up with ways to counteract global warming and to put them into effect is naive, if you want to be kind.

Yes, nice work.

No. Fungi and bacteria are different domains - their cells are organized in very different ways.

Ah, but you’re assuming that those on the right: a.) are incapable of denying palpable facts even when they’re too obvious to be ignored; b.) are incapable of feeling any sense of shame or guilt whatsoever; or c.) are incapable of blaming this on the left. For that last, just read Boomercanuck’s posting right here.

Yes, there is. But at the end, everyone wakes up.

Yes, you must never weaken.