
So, Harlan Ellison was in no way involved with this.

So it’s a fur foster kid, then. Have you told it that it’s adopted?

Good points. Also, for something the size of a sauropod, the world is a smaller place, and there are fewer barriers to movement.

There’s reason to think that changes in regulatory genes, like the Hox series, can cause very rapid changes.

it’s still interesting that there’s a case for an early lunar environment that is different from what was previously thought.

Oh yeah?

A logical conclusion. My commendations.

Saying “People need to have fewer children” is clearly targeted at countries with high birth rates and the poor, who tend to have higher birth rates than middle- and upper-class people.

“Dog mom”.

Diversity is very important.

No, saying “People need to have fewer children” is a way of saying “People need to have fewer children”. The article didn’t mention greenhouse gas consumption. It was concerned with resource consumption. This includes things like soil, fresh water, and plain old space, which the poorest among us consume at healthy

Not really comparable situations. Antarctic ice doesn’t have geysers blowing up through it from below. Also, amino acids won’t last very long on Earth’s surface, even in a very cold climate. Too many things to eat them, and an atmosphere with too much oxygen.

It also won’t grab anything measured in Imperial units.

Can we call them nudists if they’re wearing shoes?

That’s right. Beauty, eh?

You have to get the eggs as well. Gas doesn’t do the trick. Heat does.

When my apartment had them, I bagged everything, rented an unheated storage locker, and left my stuff there for a few weeks. Our winters get down to -30 C and this seemed to do the trick.

Fucking useless cunts

And then, a couple of years later, point out that it’s not doing its job very effectively without mentioning that you’ve knee-capped it, and propose defunding it altogether. After all, it was a creation of the preceding government. Those tree-hugging, human-hating liberals.

Embrace the strangeness. Feel the exhilaration!