
You know what’s in those burrows? Each one contains a cicada, alive but paralyzed by the wasp’s sting. Each cicada has a wasp egg laid on it. When the egg hatches, the wasp larva will burrow into the cicada and begin eating it from the inside out, growing ever larger, careful not to eat anything that will cause the

I had to get a small boat license from the Canal Authority to operate a dinghy on the Panama Canal back in the 80s, and I don’t know how much time I spent memorizing the signals that the big ships going through the canal used to tell each other (and the rest of us) what they were carrying, who had right-of-way, etc.

One can always drill down.

Yeah but you gotta watch out for the fissiparous ones, potential world of heartbreak there.

Yes, but do the ones that you attract have good cleavage?

Thanks, Kristen, this sort of article’s very useful.

I can’t imagine that advocacy of mediocrity would be acceptable to any modern conservative. What would David Frum say?

Could not be righter.

Which is about as damning a thing as you can say about someone in his position. Good call. But Lysenkoism is a Republican part plank these days and has been for some time.

You mean that we have the State of Kentucky to thank for Neil Diamond’s absence from the airwaves?

It’s the pince-nez. Always a sign of complete professionalism.

“over misrepresentation”. God. They’ve brought out the heavy superlatives. This is serious, boys.

They can also purr, which the true big cats can’t do.

If you change your oil on the same schedule as your underpants, you have some pretty funny priorities.

Yes, but her children inherited half of their genomes from that selfsame joke. And that’ll never go away.

I heard of a guy who had his vital bits ripped off by a weasel that had fallen down the hole of an outhouse he was using, so not even our biffies are safe here in NA.

All wolverines are nightmarish. It’s the only species that just about every other wild animal avoids whenever possible.

The shits continue to advance on all fronts, and everything that they touch turns to ordure.

But they tanned his hide when he died, Clyde.

I think that “Caucasian” was modified by physical anthropologists to bring it in line with their nomenclature.