Rash Bandicoot

Yes, the floodgate has opened and the stories are coming out. We haven’t heard as many of them in the video game industry yet, but they’re coming. Kotaku is actively working on several investigations right now that will hopefully lead to more harassment getting exposed. (And of course, if anyone reading this has any

This was the exact reason why I decided to pledge with Future War Cult. Grenade Launchers in D2 are so bad. I just hope they phase them out and introduce a different type of gun altogether. Still waiting for Trace Rifles to be a regular thing in the game instead of us being stuck with Coldheart.

If there’s one thing I love, it’s seeing Speed Racer acknowledged as a good movie.

Oh NO this ruins everything! This means the original will stop existing!!! I will be forced to pay money to go see this and I will hate it! I HATE THIS WORLD!!

oh the irony of this is hilarious.

Words cannot fully describe how much I love this, and how beautiful it is

Probably the worst game from the franchise imo (excluding X titles)

But will they have Amiibo? Because I’d buy a Doom Slayer or classic Doom Guy Amiibo.

The thing is, games dont need to be so expensive to make. We have seen time and time again, smaller studios putting out games for a fraction of what bigger studios spend. Its a problem of management, and they are passing on the problem to the consumer instead of just fixing it.

Jet Set Radio...

Well I’m sure all the nay-sayers look smart now. :p

That’s for the fully recommended 4K Ultra settings.

I feel like they’re really tempting fate with this...

This game looks to be for Mario what Breath of the Wild was for Zelda. I can’t wait.

fuck, you always forget one game. let’s imagine it’s on there.

Also KILLER 7, DAMMIT. A game as a postmodern installation that will leave you feeling as if you had partook of several illegal substances at the same time.