Rash Bandicoot

I’m surprised you didn’t point out the Echidna tribe that was following Sonic are the same ones from Tikal’s tribe in Sonic Adventure. Long story short, they abused their power until Choas appeared and destroyed the world. They’re a power hungry race and wanted Sonic probably to use his speed strength or because he’s

This is true. The game feels like a continuation of the series. For that I’m honestly thankful for.

Besides its price, I think the biggest problem for me is its size. It’s waaaay too big. I don’t have anywhere to put it. If they made it somewhere half the size and cheaper I would consider it.

Have you recently played the PS2 game? It has way more bugs and a lot of exploits. I joined one game on PC and quit immediately. It hasn’t aged well at all.

Hate to be that guy but it’s Bandai Namco. Hasn’t been called Namco Bandai in over a decade. 

Mostly it comes down to performance and resolution.

I’m still finding full matches in Splatoon 2 and Tennis Aces so I guess it’s good? 

OMG that's awesome. 

Coming from a Shenmue fan I agree.

However I also see how newcomers can be easily turned off. The English VO’s are really bad but thankfully the Japanese ones are good despite the low quality. The other issue is that Shenmue 1 is very slow compared to 2. 1 has no time skip and requires a lot to get used to. 2 fixes

I get the impression that EA desperately wants to abandon this game but DiCE is trying to push back to limit another incident. “The last thing we need is more drama surrounding this game” is probably why it’s still somewhat alive.

Not really...the game is still under development with a separate team focusing on Squadron 42 which was the promised original SP portion. Not to mention the new updates are good even though it’s still buggy.

Pet peeve but it’s Bandai Namco. It hasn’t been called Namco Bandai for the past decade. 

I’m hyped for these remasters but that trailer wasn’t 60 FPS. Kinda pointless.

I disagree. The Wii sold a lot not only because it was cheap but it was easy to hack and install emulators. The Switch will follow that trend.

Not really. While the graphics are not as good (obviously) the details Shenmue had far surpassed Yakuza. For example when you go to Kowloon you can explore floors and buildings, go to a convenience store and virtually pick up items, the battle was more Virtua Fighter which in my opinion is more fun, and of course pick

They got rid of the loot box progression system. The game is vastly better now.

I honestly love the OST so far, in particular Hydropolis. That track plus the town itself are very soothing.

As a person who believes in God I tend to enjoy these sort of games not because they might be sacrilegious but how they bring religion into the picture. Silent Hill 3 is one great example.

If you installed Windows on an SSD there is basically no difference between Sleep and Shutdown.