Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Japan make a live adaptation on Attack on Titan. The characters depicted were German yet no one raised a brow when they were all played by Japanese actors.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Japan make a live adaptation on Attack on Titan. The characters depicted were German yet no one raised a brow when they were all played by Japanese actors.
People complaining about a white actress playing a character in a Japanese manga who doesn’t look Japanese.
If the rumors are true we should get an announcement at E3.
To give it a more international appeal most likely.
It seems Square has its hands full getting the console version out the gate. I’m sure some time after that a PC ‘Definitive’ edition will be revealed.
That's an old trailer. They changed it in the final version of the game.
The NX could potentially play Wii U games as well which would defeat the purpose of owning one...
I’m more interested in the game. Someone tell me quick!
DO IT! I’ll be here waiting to read them.
Finding a match is near impossible at this point and that’s with PS4/PC cross play.
What’s worse is that they pretty much created the assets, move sets, etc but refuse putting them on the platform because laziness.
Demul (Dreamcast) and SSF (Sega Saturn) are the best emulators out there.
As someone who deals in marketing I HATE dealing with printed material. There’s always that typo or goof that stays with you.
This one on the other hand? Man, they should just feature this as a “at least we’re not Nikkei” poster for motivation or uplifting reasons.
People said the same thing when other companies such as Sony took them 11 days to tell its users that their information has been compromised. I think they just needed time to figure out what happened.
Considering that both Dragon Quest Heroes and Final Fantasy Type-0 came to Steam (with Final Fantasy X on the way) you can bet anything they’ll bring this over.
It will come to PC eventually.
Destiny has gone to the dark side.
Well said, Jason. Sadly the community are a bunch of a whiners. I mean the original is still there and if they want it to look better just get the PC version with mods.
Wada knows what’s up.
It won’t be anything like Life is Strange. They never said Episodic but Multi-part series. They also confirmed each part will equal a full fledged game. So unless you’re worried they’re making it too long I wouldn’t think too much about it.